Michael A. Swisher, Web Developer
Resume References QuestionsPortfolio: Work Examples and Links
- Here are some links to some stuff you might find interesting!
- This is only the most recent stuff I've done ;)

Available for Hire! Full Time and/or Contract Work
email: mike@swishersolutions.com
phone: (303) 669-4118
Nordic LIMS
- Noridc LIMS is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) tailored for the Legal Cannabis Industry.
- This LIMS is active at Nordic Analytical Labs, and has successfully processed over 250,000 samples, valued at over $10 million.
- If you would like credentials to log in so you can poke around in a sandbox environment, shoot me an email!
Route Manager
- Route Manager is a Bus Fleet Management system designed for the buses at Denver International Airport.
- This system is currently in use by ABM Shuttle at DIA.
- The link provided is to the live installation.
- Check out the Info Sheet on the Home Page for information about the system.
Text Search with Tags
- This is a challenge that I was given in order to get a second interview with an outfit called Segmed. They parse medical data for A.I. Sadly, I didn't get that position; however, the challenge was sufficient to put me in the running!
- This small webapp uses text-searching algorithms that I designed to find documents that contain a given phrase, and allows the creation and assignment of tags to attach to specific documents.
- Written with almost pure vanilla javascript and PHP. No database management system, just a large collection of text documents. State is maintained via .json (text) files. All part of the requirements of the challenge!
EZ Tax Colorado
- A website I set up for EZ Tax, LLC. This is a basic website... a "brochure in cyberspace" for a local business.
- This site is pure markup and CSS with some Javascript: no database or server-side API.
* (Full Disclosure: This site was built from a basic template that I downloaded and modified)
- SwishCraft is a website describing a public Minecraft that I host. Minecraft is NOT just for kids, ya know! ;)
- This site is pure markup and CSS with some Javascript: no database or server-side API.
* (Full Disclosure: This site was built from a basic template that I downloaded and modified) - This site is intended for adults and might contain strong language... but nothing too serious!
- If you play, feel free to join the server and check it out!
- ChaffStaff is a concept site of mine that I'm working on.
- This site is under construction, and is not yet completed.
- Feel free to create an account! The account creation, login and other User Account logic is all ready to go.
- You can also download the ChaffStaff Mobile App for Android. Look for the Android Icon in the top right corner.
- If you think this idea has legs and want to invest or be involved, let me know!
Github Account
- My Git Hub Account. I have several Public Apps you can download, as well as some other Private Repositories.
- All the apps have a nice little markdown readme.
LinkedIn Profile
- My LinkedIn profile. Check it out!
Music Samples
- Not really relevant, but I like to play and record music.
- I built this using jQuery a looong time ago, and it still works great!
- If you like any of the music, let me know!